My Greater Purpose

For some time now I have felt that I have a greater purpose in life. I’m still a bit uncertain as to what exactly that purpose is, but as I travel closer to the path of God, I see more clearly what I think it is, or at least what it is becoming.

I believe in my heart that I am a messenger of God. I do not yet have my message in its fullest form, but even as I type these words, my message comes into being. I know that once this message is in place, I will speak to others like myself – others that believe there is a God but that do not feel there is only one possible path in which to reach God and a higher path.

Please let me be clear, in no way do I mean to insinuate that there is any messenger of God that is less than or greater than another. Each of God’s messengers was sent, of course, with a specific message. I believe that God has sent many messengers to walk among men in order to see the light. I do not claim to know all of them. I’m not certain that mankind can even begin to fathom who all of God’s messengers have been or are today. Some of the most notable, however, would include the Buddha, Jesus, Moses, Solomon, St. Germaine, St. Augustine, Hishnu, Oshun, Lugh, Saint Teresa of Ávila, Saint Francis of Assisi, Archangels Michael, Rafael, Airael, Gabriel and so many others I can list here and more I have yet to learn about.

I believe that Jesus was sent as God’s way of “sending in the big guns” in order to try teach and share with man one of the many messages of God – the message of true and unconditional (or Godly) love. Jesus came to us at a time when the world truly needed a savior. I often wonder if the current situation our country and world is in isn't another catastrophic period that could use the help of a true messenger of God.

Am I a significant messenger of God? I am only significant at this point in my path by attempting to tell anyone that will listen about love, understanding, forgiveness and gratitude, thus some of the messages that God wants us to hear and know. Will my words be revered by many? This I also do not know. It is my hope that if my message is clear and true that it will be heard by those that need to hear it. It doesn’t really matter to me if my message is heard by the masses as long as it is heard by those that need it.

It is my deepest desire to serve. To do whatever I am meant to do to help others in the name of God. If it is my purpose to continue writing technical documentation, then so be it. If it is my purpose to teach and share my knowledge with others so that they may better themselves, help me find the way. If I am tasked with working in a field where I am “in the trenches”, show me the path to get there. I am preparing my mind, soul and body to serve at my highest potential. I know that when I am ready, the path will be clear; I will not be able to deny it.

I want more than anything to see the world become a better place; I want to be a part of making the world a better and more loving place. I want to see children grow up to be loving and giving adults. I want compassion to be the norm and not the exception in our society. I want each of us to start each day in grateful thought. I want to live to see mankind evolve into spiritkind. I want to be a messenger of God’s words.