The Online Dating Game

My problem is this - I realize that I don't play the dating game well any more. Sadly, the problem seems to be that I really am just me. I am not trying to be anything or anyone else because that never serves me well.

I'm not here on this earth to cut anyone down to pieces. I'm not here to try and make myself feel or look better than I deserve to. I'm not here to proofread someone's personal profile or pick apart things they write. I'm just here to exchange some of life's mysteries - whether it's the higher power attained through the Law of Attraction or the fact that Border Collies come in black and white and brown and white.

I can't help but notice that a lot of the profiles on online dating sites contain pictures with people posed wearing sunglasses. I like to see a person's eyes, yet people seem to hide them. If the eyes are the windows to their souls and they are looking for someone to share their life with, why pull the shades down on the window to your soul? Do they really not want you to see inside?

Then I see a sea of people that post pictures that are years old and maybe reflect a person they wish they still were. Why not just show a recent picture and love who you are today? That's all you really have, isn't it? And really, isn't that who you should be advertising, especially when looking for a meaningful relationship?

And what's with lying about your age? I thought only women did that! I have met more men the last year that lie about their age - by like 10 years - than I ever thought existed! Now here's something for the therapist couch, right? Or again, is this just me and my strong streak of honesty? I'm proud to be 46 - I wear every year with pride. I didn't get to this point in my life haphazardly, and I'm certainly not going to just flip over some of the most formative years of my life - whenever they happened. I don't want to be 36 again - that was hard! Life gets better for me each and every year. God, please don't make me go back to that point and time again! LOL

Okay, I'm really not here to analyze anyone except myself, and I try and do that with great caution and tenderness. These observations have come to me though, and I just wanted to write about them.

I just need to get off of the online dating thing and get on with living. If I do stay here, I should do so with a different perspective about people and possibly myself. Now I wonder, can I really have a different perspective about myself? I think not. It's taken me all this time and work to get to where I am. I'd be out of my mind to throw all that hard work down to the drain just to find a man! He either loves and accepts me exactly for who I am today, or to hell with him. I'm a wonderful person - just ask my mother! LOL No seriously, I didn't work through all my warts just to put them aside and try and be someone I'm not. I've got scars, and I'm proud of them because they've made me who I am today. You don't even have to ask my mother, I can tell you - I am a good person - one of the best you'll find.

What I do see in myself is this. I've found that spending my time and spinning my wheels on online dating sites only adds anxiety to my life and distracts me from a higher purpose of giving smiles and kind words to everyone I meet. THAT'S what I really want to do - more than anything else. I have come to believe that I'm too light for this heavy interaction of people. Maybe I'm just too serious and just don't have it in me to be that promiscuous in nature.

I will, however, always wish those out there the very best that life can offer. Everyone should find happiness in whatever way that serves them to their highest potential, don't you think?

Let me know how you feel about this topic. Is it just me, or do you find the old pictures and sunglasses to be gaining in popularity on online dating sites? Do you think that people are who they portray themselves to be, or an alter ego of who they wish they were?

Love, Joy and Peace Today and Always!