When the Time is Right

It never ceases to amaze me that when the time is right for change and movement, they happen.

I've seen this time and time again in my life and today was just another example.

I've been struggling with a paper for school for 2 weeks now. I just couldn't seem to wrap my head around what I needed to write about. Finally around 10:00 a.m. it hit me and the words came flowing from my fingertips.

Isn't that similar to our recent election? This country has been struggling for some time now. We were in peril 4 years ago and yet we re-elected the same president. It wasn't until the time was right - or ripe - that change and movement occurred.

It's also a bit like love, I suppose. You can search and search, but until the time is right and you are in the most perfect of places in your heart and soul love will not find you. This is just the way the universe works. It is perfect in every way.

I truly hope that I live within a time when the time becomes right for worldwide peace, for the ending of worldwide hunger, for the diseases of our planet to be cured, and for man to evolve into a more spiritual being. For I would consider this a fulfilled existence on this earth to see these miracles come to pass.
