What Do You Want To Inspire?

You know how there are just some people that make you want to do something? There's that one person that when you're around them, you're suddenly more inspired about a particular thing. I have a handful of friends that when I'm around them, I want to take more classes at school, and I want to comit to a graduate program. I want to improve my knowledge when I am around them; they inspire that in me, and for them I am grateful for their unspoken encouragement.

Then, I have a few friends that are in really good physical condition. They work out at the gym 5+ days a week, and they have well defined muscles and a beautiful toned shape. These are my friends that make me want to go to the gym more. They inspire that in me. I have to realize though, that with working full time, going to school, maintaining a home and dog, I'm happy with getting there 2, maybe 3, times a week. It's just where I am right now, but I'm still inspired by them.

But lastly there are some friends that just make me want to be a better person not because I aspire to be like them, but instead I aspire to be UNlike them. That's been the case for me recently.

I have to admit, it's been hard to deal with. To not feel critical of them but instead to look even harder at myself. I've spent a lot of time lately asking the question, "What, if anything, do I inspire the people in my life to do?" When people are around me, are they happy? positive? kind? compassionate? encouraging? These are some of the insprirations I want to bring about to others.

So I ask you 2 questions today,

  1. "What is it you want to inspire within someone in your life?"
  2. "Are you being an example of what people aspire to be or what they aspire to NOT be?"